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Moms Impacting Lives Fearlessly more commonly known as MILF Mastery’s purpose is to assist moms in transforming their lives into what they dream it could be. Our debut product line is the Seasons of Motherhood Collection. Before you are able to get to a new destination you must first recognize where you are. This collection assist mothers in identifying which season they are in and provide tools to guide them through it, while also using that season as it is intended. Each season of motherhood comes with its own successes and challenges, so the goal is to figure out what that looks like for you. Typically, the Spring of Motherhood brings a state of renewal. This could mean starting a family for the first time or entering a new phase with your family and coming up with fresh ideas and a new way of handling life. Embrace the abundance of this time and let your light shine brightly.The Summer of Motherhood brings a state of action. This could mean being present with your children or doing the activities that you never made time for as now you have the energy and time to do it. Welcome the fun of this time and be fierce in your engagements.The Autumn of Motherhood brings a state of transition. This could mean preparing your family for the next phase of development or strengthening the needs of the current phase and basking in the glory of your successes. Take stock of the accomplishments of this time and decide how to proceed. Lastly, the Winter of Motherhood brings a state of meditation. This could mean having more personal time or an opportunity to have an extended pause in life and being grounded in self by standing still. Calm the mind and allow the healing to take place.